InsyaAllah, in two weeks/three weeks time, there will be Mid Year Exam for all Kasr el-Ainy Med School' students and I am proudly to say that I will be on hiatus until the Winter Hols. So, dude and dudettes, lets strive for the best! Allah is always within us.

xpost ke setiap rumah ke??
sape nk order jgn memalu...
dtg kt syari khayrat tgk album..pilih2.. mcm2 ada. hahaha...
hoit minal mathbah..
promot la kat MJB jugak.keh3
haha. order dari nilai bulehh?hihi
gud luck la utk sume carionians!~~
ku terfikir2...balik kali ni dia.....nak angkut ape plak????...hahahha
oh mama ku...
ku mahu buat bisnes...
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